Leveraging Smarter Cargos for Decarbonization
Blog Leveraging Smarter Cargos for Decarbonization: A Competitive Advantage for LNG Suppliers As LNG becomes the global transformation energy source to lower carbon emissions, supp
Navigating SEC Proposed Scope 3 Rules Key Considerations for Asset Heavy Companies
Blog Navigating SEC’s Proposed Scope 3 Rules: Key Considerations For Asset Heavy Companies The SEC’s proposed climate-risk disclosure rule has sparked intense debates over
Paving the Way for Net Zero Accelerating Progress Through Purposeful Technologies
Blog Paving The Way For Net Zero: Accelerating Progress Through Purposeful Technologies In the pursuit of net zero emissions, asset-heavy industries such as manufacturing, energy,
Carbon Footprints Hyperlinked
Blog From Cradle-to-Gate: The Power of Data in Assessing Product Carbon Footprints This article, co-authored by Planckton Data’s Co-Founder & Chief Digital Officer, Sandeep R